
Seven Years (And Over 30 Million Blogs) Later

Doc Searls, Making the Way for Intention: "In an intention economy, buyers lead, sellers follow and marketing gets out of the way."

David Weinberger, "Bill Frist Climbs Aboard The Cluetrain: "Sometimes the world is weird in good ways."

Christopher Locke: "what? no grilled cheese sandwich?"


Crouching Towards MercExchange

Dennis Crouch explains why "eBay v. MercExchange will likely be the most important patent case for the past decade." [Via Genie Tyburski]


Phillips Verdict

Not long after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to grant certiorary in Phillips v. AWH Corporation, plaintiff's counsel advises they obtained a $1.85 million willful infringement verdict on March 10, following a two week trial in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado (No. 97-CV-00212). I received an emailed press release, but can't yet find anything related on the Web. Keep an eye on their news page, I assume it will update before long.


Who's Hot In Digital Media And Entertainment?

"The AlwaysOn editorial panel including executives from Bridge Bank, KPMG, LEWIS PR, Manatt, Phelps and Phillips and PayPal, selected the hundred most innovative and successful private firms," a.k.a: The OnHollywood 100 Top Private Companies.

(Disclosure: the related event is on my calendar courtesy of a blogger's/press pass, and I learned of this announcement via a press release from Lewis PR.)


Flint Rocks On Hoses And Laundry On Kittens

This busted me up pretty good (and though I detest getting things like this in email I somehow feel I have special dispensation to blog it): Raising Boys: 24 Key Points to Ponder. [Via Episode 130 of 101 Uses for Baby Wipes]