
Web.  Everywhere.

It's difficult to accurately convey how grateful I am for podcasting. Through their ingenuity and pluck, Dave and Adam have immeasurably improved my lot in life (precisely what they set out to accomplish, no doubt!), and I'll always be grateful. Case in point: I love Slate. I never have enough (more like any) time to read Slate. I can sure find time to listen to it though.


It's A Darknet After All

The latest Sound Policy show is up at IT Conversations. It's an interview with Ourmedia co-founder and Darknet author JD Lasica.


Under Aware

Feel free to mourn or applaud as you see fit: "The visible thong has been declared as dead as a dodo by leading image consultant Cliff Bashforth who says the flimsy underwear should go back where it belongs - out of sight."


Theme Music

I'm headed to San Diego for the Catalyst05 Identity Gang meeting this afternoon. Joining me on the drive down will be audio selections from the most recent Digital ID World. For further context, here's Dan Farber's take on Microsoft's vision for an identity metasystem, and related questions and answers.

[Update:] Here are some photos. Very interesting discussions, particularly (for me, anyway) around, as Mary Rundle aptly put it, "whether checks and balances and separation of powers can be built into the [identity meta-] system?"


It's All Rel-Ative

Kevin Marks recently explained microformats to Chris Pirillo. The myriad possibilities are all interesting, but here's a goodie, rel="license": "relLicense is a simple, open, format for indicating content licenses which is embedable in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML."