
Boom. Boom.  Boom.

Jason Calacanis: "The other great thing from this example is the fact that blogs make corporations more honest."

Dave Winer: "Don't get caught having an opinion, could be dangerous."

Steve Gillmor: "Information will search for you, not the other way around."


TiVo It

CNBC is airing an excellent documentary on eBay: The eBay Effect. Incredible discussions throughout with Meg Whitman, fascinating facts about the company and its community, and lots of attention to the unique legal and ethical issues eBay confronts. An added bonus: learn beyond a shadow of a doubt the proper pronunciation of "Omidyar!"


Double Cheeseburger Supreme

When Doc says "blog," I say "how high?" (So, quite humorously, did Dennis.)


Without Fear, With Sense

Just read Doc's excellent follow-up essay about Grokster. I'm working on a discussion piece that attempts to look at the case practically from the standpoint of developers who understand, as Doc says, the absolutely critical nature of innovation, and that "fear is the enemy here." As soon as it's done and posted, you'll be the first to know. We're also putting together a related talk, and will present it in northern and southern California locations (again, will keep you posted re the details), hopefully in connection with some academic partners.

Bonus links, via Kevin Heller: Judge Posner and Professor Samuelson offer their thoughts.



It's only taken me 40 years to stumble upon my epitaph, but this morning one spoke to me with perfect clarity: "She never took enough pictures." Be that as it may, here are some from yesterday's gathering at the Alpine Inn. Many thanks to Tony Perkins and the teams at AlwaysOn and Technorati, for the extraordinary company and free-flowing burgers, beverages, and fries (the crispy-waffly kind even, mmmmm). I had to leave too early to catch a plane home, but as this was just a warm up for the upcoming Innovation Summit (here's the final line-up), I hope to pick up the threads later this month. Seemed like there were quite a few folks there who will be at BlogHer too, including Lisa Canter, with whom I had great fun discussing copyright law (she used to work at the Harry Fox agency, and is understandably fascinated by recent developments) and swapping podcast recommendations.