
Amazing Factoids

C|Net/ZDNet: "Researchers at The Diffusion Group predicted this week that the U.S. podcast audience will climb from 840,000 last year to 56 million by 2010." [Update:] More from BBC News.

Bob Shaver: "The twist grip for control of bicycle derailleurs was first popularized in the 1960s..." (Thanks to Steve Nipper for mentioning to his partner Bob my amazement at my new bike's slick shifting tech.)


Sue And Thuy Vu

Here's a story from Thuy Vu, a reporter with ABC News in San Francisco, on American business thriving in today's Vietnam. Click the video link to see, among other things, my aunt Sue — yes, she's really as tall as she looks, and she's really having that much fun.

Closer to home, there's always Little Saigon, pho sho'.


Commons Stock

Professor Lessig in BusinessWeek, about Grokster and its impact on Creative Commons: "If we had a stock price, our stock price would have shot up after the decision."


The Floundering Fathers

I can think of no better way to celebrate Independence Day than to enjoy the musings of Thomas Jefferson and his roommate Daniel (who I think might have had a bit part in "Dude, Where's My Car?") as they tour the legal blogosphere in Blawg Review #13.


Alrighty Then

Steve Jobs, discussing podcasting, iTunes, and the iTunes Music Store: "[W]e're not allowing copyright infringement and things like that." [Via Podcasting News]