
Smile, I'm On Candid Camera

Eek! Though I can't quite bring myself to watch this, I did a video interview with JD at Gnomedex about the intersection of grassroots media and the law. Hopefully JD didn't edit out the part where someone (Eric Rice? Roland Tanglao? I can't remember now) busted me up by making bunny ears behind his head. I watched Eric's interview in person, it was quite good.

[Technorati tag: ]


The Electric Kool-Aid P2P Test

Note that with Justice O'Connor's retirement from the Supreme Court this week, there will be one fewer member of the Court who has "swallowed the P2P Kool-Aid."

Yet another thing to consider as the wrangling over her successor continues.


The Week In Blawg Review

Kevin Heller has a fine bunch of reading (and some questionable listening) up at Blawg Review #12. If you like (and what's not to like?), you can find pointers to more Blawg Reviews at (but of course!) Blawg Review.


Very Exciting News From Doug Kaye

Doug Kaye has something big brewing: "We will cover not just IT or even technology, but literally every topic about which someone speaks and another person finds it valuable enough to capture." More, in his interview with G'Day World.


Ah, That's Better

Here's the BlogHer agenda in HTML. Also, some interesting stats about the attendees, and Legal tips for bloggers: Audio advice from experts.