
And That S'No Buddha

David Giacalone, e-shaming and lawyer conduct: "Were I a law professor, I'd be warning my students that Big Blogger is watching and will catch you, should you make gaffs or violations that find their way online.  Were I a law firm manager, I'd be warning my colleagues that cyber shaming is to be avoided at all costs.  If I were a lawyer prone to professional missteps, I'd be trying very hard to be on my very best behavior and to perform competently and diligently at all times.  Your 'mistakes' will be available online for all time."


Grokster Watch

MGM v. Grokster will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on March 29. Thanks Donna for the link to the 3/1 press conference audio (37M MP3), and I'm a little late in noticing the 9th Circuit oral argument audio (16.4MB MP3) is available too. Who will blog the argument? Fred hopefully. Others?

More related reading and listening:


Land Of AutoLink'in

It's always fun to go offline for a few days, then come back and see what folks have been up to. And catch the latest 60 Minutes video game violence story. And read about Ben and Mena Trott and Joi Ito in the L.A. Times Business section.

But I digress. The point of this post (a point? how novel!) is to let you know we'll be recording my first IT Conversations show this Wednesday afternoon, and it will feature Cory Doctorow, Robert Scoble, and Martin Schwimmer on the subject of Google's AutoLink. I'm preannouncing this so you can play too. Leave your questions or comments here or drop me an email and I'll try to work them in.

Also, in good ready, fire, aim fashion, we're forging ahead with my show without a name for it yet. I've come up with a few ideas neither Doug nor I are thrilled with (I keep trying to repurpose past B&B post titles). Any brilliant inspirations most welcome.



If I'm deciphering the initials correctly, it looks like Tim Hadley made off with won the auction on my scanner. Still on the dock: the IBM flat-panel display (current bid $89.00), and my beloved Volant skis, 195's, so they're long enough for both guys and gals. No bids yet! (You try keeping up your ski habit with a fifteen month old around, I dare you. Mine's on hold until the munchkin is a little bit older, and by then these will be waaay too much ski for me. I'll need something stubby and forgiving. No wisecracks, you snarkmeisters you.)



Don't miss these at IT Conversations:

Something else not to miss at ITC: the quoteplay-esque feature, available from any show "Detail" page (like those linked above), look for the "Clip" link.