
Just. Shoot. Me.  Now.

Chris Pirillo's interview with Todd "Oilman" Friesen gets into what we can look forward to in the way of RSS spam. I know, Chris was incredulous too. Then he got, and we get, an earful of what's at 7:13 - 11:40 of the audio. If you'll excuse me, I need to go curl up with a blankie and find my happy place now. (Do check out Oilman's site though, it's funny ha-ha, and might help with the catatonia his comments about RSS spam are likely to trigger.)


Scratch Of The Day

I really have no choice but to call Douglas Sorocco's neat new law blog multimedia experience . . . Scrawdcasting. (Like the fish.) (Blame the Nipper.)


From The Mouths Of Flacks

It's really critical for lawyers to pay attention to the fact PR people are blogging, and counseling their clients how to blog. Why? We have to be ready — yesterday — to do the same. As is always the case in the legal profession, once clients grok something, the lawyers who missed it entirely or were sitting on the sidelines scramble like crazy to get up to speed. (Several years ago, there was this seismic, doppler-shifted whoosh with which the entire legal profession switched from WordPerfect to Word. Bad example. Weblogs have far greater force and staying power than word processors.)

Anyway, four PR flacks who get it (and give it as good as they get it) are Jeneane Sessum, Renee Blodgett, Rick Bruner, and Steve Rubel. They're by no means alone, but definitely are equipped to fill you in further on the next whoosh. Related linkage:


"Hi Baby," High Res

The National Geographic Channel's In The Womb has some of the most striking video you'll ever see: "Featuring pioneering medical imaging technology, called 4-D ultrasound, which shows the fetus as it sucks its thumb, blinks, yawns, smiles, and moves in real time inside the womb . . . "

Though this fascinates Mommy, my former fetus has other ideas. Now that we've worked our way through every Thomas video in the Netflix catalog, and have been thrilled to discover the I Love Toy Trains series, I'm wondering if there are good toddler-friendly airplane videos. Do clue me in.


Equal Access, Unequal Protection

AP: "With an official credential hanging from his neck, a young man stepped into the Whit House briefing room today as perhaps the first blogger to cover the daily press briefings."

John Palfrey: "[I]n this quicksilver technological environment, with such change underway in terms of what it means to write 'news' and communicate with others using the web, it's crazy that the law should establish second-class citizenship for bloggers or others who are engaged in the act of presenting or commenting on 'news.' . . . The notion of form over function strikes me as badly outdated.  And, worse, almost certainly counter-productive to the increasingly interesting and important public conversation that ordinary citizens are having with one another online."

At least no blogger in this hemisphere is doing time for it. (Yet. I think.) A colleague pointed me today to Human Rights First: Blogger Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison in Iran. Technorati has much more. So did Jeff Jarvis, and here's more from