
Not Just Any Old Port

From the San Francisco Yacht Club in Belvedere, CA (Latitude 37° 52.355', Longitude 122° 27.778'): "The SFYC harbor now has Wireless Internet."

[Update:] Yacht spots are hot spots. Check out Google's 7,600+ results for "yacht club 'wireless internet'"


Blue Streak

There is some absolutely mindblowing audio about Bluetooth (among other things) from Andy Ihnatko (speaking at last fall's Mac OS X Conference) over at IT Conversations. Building on the premise that "Bluetooth is like bacon — there is nothing that cannot be improved by adding it," Andy paints a near science fictional portrait of on-the-fly computer and device customization enabled by a hypothetical Bluetooth-equipped iPod. It's at 51:28-1:00:20 of the MP3. Not here yet, but close enough to taste it, and it's yummy.


Cluetrain Goes Commando*

Christopher Locke, aka the Chief Blogging Officer: "We're all of us dealing with large organizations of one form or another, whether they be companies or, as in the case above, Companies." Lieutenant Locke's post describes how Cluetrain helped inspire Company Command: Unleashing the Power of the Army Profession. Ten-hut!

*"going commando"


Apples At Law

Family law and estate planning firm Stahancyk, Gearing, Rackner & Kent is an all Mac shop, as described on the Apple site in a piece called Wise Counsel. Definitely worth the read. You might not have thought about putting some of the Mac's coolest features to use in a law firm: "The firm's do-it-yourself ethic has also led them to work with video, using iMovie and iDVD. 'We can record important deposition testimony without hiring an expensive video team'" ... "'These days, two of my partners are 180 miles away, but we still have weekly partner's meetings via videoconference, using iChat and iSight.'"


CA Prop 64 Held Non-Retroactive

The UCL Practitioner reports on a hot issue in California jurisprudence: the first decision by the Court of Appeal on the retroactivity of Proposition 64 (context). Sez the UCLP: "Proposition 64 does NOT apply to pending cases filed before its effective date. ... This decision is a victory all around for plaintiffs."