
Weekend Listening

New/notable if you're loading up your 'pod for the weekend:

And when you're done listening, Belly Up To The Bar IV will bring you up to speed on everything else.


President Klau, President Boxer

Is it too early to start printing the Klau for President placards? I think not! (And bear in mind PayPal doesn't care a bit if you're not in Rick's district.) Mad Kane and friends have similar sentiments about California Senator Barbara Boxer.



Another sign that the geek shall inherit the earth: Gymboree has been overrun by robots and space aliens.


Cranberry Muffin Probability:  HIGH

Just in time for Chris Locke's review of the cover of Hugh Hewitt's book (BLOG) — "Damn, if I'd known I was smashing the old media monopoly, I would've held up Murdoch for a lot more cash that time I kidnapped Anthea Disney" — PR firm Burson-Marsteller is bringing together some smart folks to talk about how Blogs are Rewriting the Rules of Corporate Communications. Festivities commence at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow at the Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto, and speakers are scheduled to include Chris Shipley, Dan Gillmor, Om Malik, Chris Nolan — and of course a member of Orrick's crisis management team.


Che Moi

A surefire way to wow the local Starbucks and Trader Joe's workforce: T up your toddler in Che Guevara, like the one available here. (Ours, a grandparental gift, is from Interracial Productions, but I can't find it for sale online.)

A surefire way to avoid hassles and (more) tech support shenanigans if you want to get Gmail on your cell phone: tell POP to pop off, just forward the darn stuff.