
Soccer Mom Metadata

I saw an entire stick family of decals today on a SoCal SUV (including mom, dad, son, daughter, 2 pet chihuahuas and a labrador; sorry, was manuevering through traffic, no photo), and sure enough, seems folks now are tagging their cars with their families:

This section of our car window stickers catalog is devoted to families and household pets. If you're happy about the home life you've created and want the whole world to know it, you can create your own custom collection of The Original Stick Family Robinson window stickers.

More; more; yet more.

[Update:] Commenter maryh writes "There's been an awful sculptural version of this showing up in the Sundance Catalog...," to wit: Family of Four; The Family Dog; The Family Cat. Derek points out this is ripe for adoption by the gay community; one can build one's stick family however one likes. Finally, for commenter Sunfell who asks "where are the computer stickers?," I can only suggest you might look to Italian charm bracelets as your lifestyle tag vehicle of choice.


He "harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device;" But Could He Skip Commercials?


Updating Definitions For Meet And Know

Neville Hobson, writing at, points to Christopher Carfi's The Social Customer Manifesto, and The Ever-Shrinking, Ever-Growing Business Blogosphere:

Reason #6537 why business folk should write, podcast, or otherwise communicate often, and in their own voice: your customers, vendors, and partners get to know you before they even meet you, so when you do get together, you already have shared context and can get things done 10x faster than you ever have in the past.

Good stuff, both spots.


2005.01.31 Show Notes

This week's podcast (MP3) looks at protopodcasting, who's reformation is it anyway?, metadata (friend or foe), and a very Wired courtroom.

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And Now For A Moment Of Utter Cuteness

Good catch, Jason! Congratulations, and welcome, Miles Jay Shellen.