
I Second That Belly

The second edition of Belly Up to the Bar is up. Great stuff there to cruise through.

Speaking of bellies and the struggle to stay on top of one's reading, I think if I'd have seen this article before having my hair cut last week I would have left my locks belly length. Woefully underinformed, I took them up to collarbone level — apparently capitulating to what the style mavens would recommend given my onrushing 40th birthday. Thank goodness, my mane grows fast!


2005.01.12 Show Notes

Today's podcast (MP3) features an interview with Wallace Wang, author of Steal This File Sharing Book. Wallace and I discuss the future of P2P networks, nefarious knitters, macchiato moms, the Grokster decision, the economics of digital media, and — what podcast would be complete without a little porn? Links to items related to today's 'cast follow.

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Today's New Blawgs

Neither of these is a "new" blogger actually, just new to me and the B&B blawgroll thanks to some thoughtful reader/listener email:


Stephen Hawking Reads Creative Commons?

Ok, the headline is tongue in cheek, but the Creative Commons blog is podcasting its entries (feed), and the "reader" is an electronic cousin of the famous physicist's speech synthesizer. AKA: a Botcast.


Now That's Legal Aid

The "Washington DC-based Howrey Simon Arnold & White has pledged to donate $1m to the Indian Ocean tsunami relief efforts and is urging other firms to make similar contributions." (Link added.) Via Olivier Oosterbaan, who emails an update to his earlier news regarding his firm Cleary Gottlieb — namely, the firm made its matching efforts global and donated $100,000 (USD). The New York Lawyer has the rundown on more law firm donations, including Reed Smith's: Firms Raise Money for Tsunami Relief; More Firms Donate for Tsunami Relief.