
The Tallest Redhead In Ho Chi Minh City

My aunt Sue McKinney, who does a bazillion things including running the Red Door Deco furniture business, was profiled recently in the San Francisco Chronicle, Entrepreneurs in Vietnam find inventive ways to make a mark: "It's not the contracts here that protect you in business, it's the relationships that protect you."



Congratulations to Evan Schaeffer, whose inaugural Legal Underground Word of the Day was featured on the January 17 Daily Source Code! Great to hear that one cue up.


Pardon My Namespace

Many thanks to Erwin van Hunen at Doppler Radio (and to Steve Holden for bringing it to his attention) for helping straighten out an issue I created when I tried to add the Creative Commons element to my hand-rolled podcast RSS feed. Namely, I hadn't added the proper namespace


to the XML file. Fixed now, please let me know if you spot other hiccups.

This goes to what I was saying in my recent podcast: I'd be surprised to see a court penalize an ordinary user on the copyright front for failing to offer pristine or adequately informational feeds.

Creative Commons has a section (addressed to "Developers") on Using Creative Commons Metadata, and notes: "Syndic8 tracks RSS feeds that are available under a Creative Commons license."


Reality (NSF) Check

The Wired GC puts in his $.02 (I kill me) about Marty's post: "A potential client who can't figure that out would probably be a slow pay anyway." Thinks he's right, though: "Mr. Schwimmer seems right on the law, and this issue will certainly get more focus as RSS feed aggregators become more widely used."


2005.01.17 Show Notes

Today's podcast (MP3) has more about my phone (which podcasts, slices, dices, and might just fold the laundry). I also talk about RSS and commercial or other unlicensed uses of a work (see Saturday's post), a cavalcade of OC podcasters, and conclude with a glimpse at legal AI. Related links:

Plawdcast Feed

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