
Today's New Blawgs

In addition to those in the immediate prior post, and The Wired GC yesterday, here are the latest additions to the Bag and Baggage blawgroll. (Tip: be sure to let me know about new blawgs at my Gmail address; apologies if you've already sent word to my old MSN account and I haven't gotten around to you yet, will do some cleanup there soon.)


Podcasting Broadens Your Horizons

Use a new medium, learn about new people, like:


Bravo, Doug Kaye!

Here's what you get at the moment when you go to make a donation to support IT Conversations:


Thanks for visiting my donations page. However, at this time I'm not accepting donations. I hope instead you'll send whatever you intended to donate to IT Conversations (or more) to help the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami. They need it a whole lot more than I do.

International Red Cross



Doctors Without Borders

Thanks for listening.



More Podcast Stuff

I think all I have to do to add "Album Art" — viewable on the iPod Photo and in iTunes — to a podcast is select the file in iTunes and drag a picture to the appropriate pane, correct? I'll try it next time. [Update:] Yeah, that works, just updated yesterday's 'cast to include a graphic.

It's too cool how I've been getting such immediate, positive, and helpful feedback from yesterday's podcast. Matt at mBlog just emailed a bunch of suggestions to help with the data connectivity issues I've been having with the K700i.


Mommy Dementia Tip Of The Day

If prior to becoming a parent you were accustomed to keeping the hair gel and the toothpaste next to each other on the bathroom counter, you might want to rethink that now. Enough (mmmpphht!) said.