

I bet you wish Hank Barry had a weblog. I know I do. Until then, we'll have to content ourselves with his interview with Ernie Miller as part of Corante's The Future of Digital Media series. (Also be sure to check out the earlier interviews with Tim Wu and Jeff Jarvis.) Quoth Hank: "Too much IP is just as bad as too little. We have come to the somewhat paradoxical point where we need to decrease protection to increase output."

In addition Hank's blogging by proxy courtesy of Corante, don't miss his podcast by proxy from Web 2.0 courtesy of Jason Calacanis. (By the way, Jason and Engadget are right now at CES — another opportunity for enjoyment by proxy.)


Smells Like White Shoe Spirit

To Laura Owen's current Change or Die article at (Laura is Director, Worldwide Legal Services, for Cisco), Dennis Kennedy adds some excellent color commentary: "At that point, I noticed the wafting smell of death coming from the traditional approach to the practice of law."

Related nice pluggages:

  • Ms. Owen's article highlights my firm's Fifty State HIPAA Privacy Study: "Reed Smith recently created an online database for new privacy laws that affect medical providers. Members of the alliance that used an RFP to produce this site pay a fixed price per year to find quick answers to compliance questions."

  • Scroll a little further down for Dennis Kennedy's 2004 Legal Blogging Awards (The Blawggies). While I humbly accept — and certainly feel doddering enough to deserve — the Lifetime Achievement award, I think Ernie would probably agree a more apt category would be Best Supporting Actor.


Go Go Figure Figure

Two more reasons why the sports world almost invariably eludes me:


Tens Of Millions (Or More), Meet $35 Bucks (Or Less)

Have you been paying attention to what Dave Winer has been saying about spectrum? Do, it's important. From somewhere near Miami: "Mass communication is no longer a scarce commodity. . . . Spectrum is as commonplace as a domain name."


Merger Metaphor Madness

My AT&T/Cingular "Reception to Follow Immediately" "invitation" was waiting in my office mail this morning. The Seattle PI Insider: "MAY THEY LIVE AND BE WELL, but better they should have spent the money on spectrum."