
Cite Checking

Howard Bashman: "A few thousand more mentions of 'How Appealing' in published Ninth Circuit opinions and we'll be even."


Plawdosphere Update

Bret Fausett joins the plawdosphere! Do three 'casts constitute a 'sphere? Yes, because this will grow exponentially before our very eyes, and it will be fun to watch as it does. (Though whether you want to call it plawdcasting is entirely up to you, of course. I kind of like the evocation of "plaudit" and "plod," but then, I threw it out there, of course I'm partial.) In the meantime though, I've got to say some of of the technical set-ups I've seen (Bret's is a good example) are waaay more than I'm ready to tackle at the moment. However, I'm looking forward to the arrival of the February issue of MacAddict, which I understand has a slew of podcasting utilities included on its accompanying disk.


"Irreverently submitted, . . . "

In case you're still under the influence of the holidays and haven't yet seen this: the full text of How The Grinch Stole Christmas Vacation, a brief "co-authored" by Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel, is available at Groklaw. I say: Hilarious. Snopes says: Legit.


Forward-Looking Fundraising

Greetings! There is much to catch up on here at B&B following that brief holiday respite (spent mostly chasing storms and a toddler up and down the state of California), but let's start with the important things first. With all the relief agencies proclaiming cash is king for assisting the tsunami survivors, I've been heartened to see several creative approaches to marshalling the much needed green:

  • Amazon's 1-Click enabled Red Cross fund is at $13,152,436.36 and counting, with 162,773 donations to date. That's an average of roughly $80.00 a pop. Not bad, Amazon shoppers, keep it up.

  • My law firm (Reed Smith) has announced internally it will be making a sizeable contribution to the relief efforts to begin with, and then on top of that matching additional funds contributed by members and employees of the firm. If you hear of similar activities in the legal field please let me know; everyone participating in such efforts deserves some definite link love.

  • Anders Jacobsen has issued a challenge: For every blogger linking to his list of relief agencies, he'll donate $1.00 U.S. (max. $500) to the British Red Cross. Simple, powerful, right on Anders. The list follows. Give as much as you can, and keep those ingenious fundraising ideas coming.

International aid organizations:

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)

United Nations' World Food Programme

Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors without Borders (donate!)

CARE International

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


Disasters Emergency Comittee (DEC) - comprises a raft of aid agencies, including the below and others

British Red Cross

Save the Children UK

North America:

American Red Cross

Canadian Red Cross

Save The Children

Anders Jacobsen: Webloggers: Give to tsunami victims and I'll give too!


Sixty Google Minutes

The text of tonight's 60 Minutes story on Google is available in its entirety online. John Battelle provided great commentary.