
Peer Forum On The Working Web And Enterprise 2.0

I'll be speaking Thursday at 11:00 a.m. PDT at Qualcomm in San Diego to the 2.0 Council: a forum of BigCos where members share ideas about how to innovate and adapt.  I'm a big fan of companies working together in this way, and am pleased to have the chance to work with this group. 

If your company could benefit from such a forum — and let's face it, most could — you might want to look into it further.  Here's the a copy of the email invitation/agenda for this week's event at Qualcomm:

So far 3M, American Express, Clorox, Chevron, Deloitte, GE, General Mills, ITT, Qualcomm, State Farm, and United Healthcare have joined forces to share ideas and experiences on Enterprise 2.0.

Because it’s the way work is getting done these days.  It’s where productivity and innovation meet.  It’s where knowledge is shared, networks are built and new business opportunities are emerging.  It’s where customers and the general public learn about your organization, your values and your culture.
With this emerging world of work comes many risks to mitigate, both inside and outside the organization.  Learning directly from others is the most effective way deal with these emerging issues.
The next 2.0 Council meeting will be hosted by Qualcomm in San Diego on September 17-18.  All of our meetings are confidential and membership is by invitation only.

For more background on the Working Web and the new 2.0 Council go to  

'The Most Dangerous Place In The House' Now Makes Sense

Bathtub of Doom

Originally uploaded by doublelibra

Parent (from the closet, getting dressed): Are you up here? Where are you playing?

Child (amidst various regiments of toys): I'm here. In the Bathtub of Doom.

Parent: Unh huh; 'course you are.


This WEEK in LAW: Now Weekly!

The most frequent comment I get about TWiL (besides either "I love it!" or "Who needs Ambien?") is:  "Why isn't it weekly?"  Starting today, it is.  You can catch TWiL at 11:00 a.m. Pacific/1:00 Central/2:00 Eastern on, or on Stickam or UStream. Chat with us real-time at or on FriendFeed.  The recorded/podcast version of the show will be available in your favorite podcatcher (such as iTunes) within a few days.  More ways to subscribe and listen here.

Today's guests are Colette Vogele, Ernie Svenson, and Evan Brown. (More great upcoming guests — 9/18: Doug Lichtman, 9/25: Gary Reback.) Discussion notes are being aggregated here (leave a comment on this post, tag something for:thisweekinlaw in, or @ me on Twitter to suggest more). Lots to talk about!


Moms In Capes Bust Healthcare Reform Myths

Courtesy of MomsRising:


Depends On The Context (?!?)

Spank the Baby

Spank the Baby
Originally uploaded by littlefeetoffury

Child (from the back seat after dinner, totally out of the blue): Mom.

Parent: Yes...?

Child: Do you know what "Spank this baby up!" means?

Parent: (doubled over steering wheel, miraculously avoiding rear-end collision) Um. No idea.

(Not quite true; you know it means camp is indeed quite a learning experience.)