
Lucy In The Sky

Happy Birthdays and congratulations to Lucy and Marc Canter! Also, though the thought of being movie director and editor in addition Tyler's version of the Waffle House has been just too much, Mr. Willem's First Christmas, an iMovie by Larry Lessig, just made me charge the videocam batteries. As Professor Lessig notes, the Mac is amazing. Though my purchasing of late has been somewhat single minded, Mommy might need a few toys too. Like:


The Hazards Of Weight Loss

Can someone please explain to me how the Today Show can do a segment about weblogs (toward the end of the show, teased throughout) that focuses almost exclusively on teen diaries and parental paranoia, and fails to mention Harvard, Stanford (Stanford again), Dean, or for goodness' sake Al Roker? To her credit, writer Emily Nussbaum, whose piece in last Sunday's New York Times Magazine was the springboard for the Today story, recognizes there's more going on here than the coverage might suggest: "[E]ven diaries that seem at first predictable can have the power to startle."


You Haven't Lived Until... (a.k.a. 666)

You've dumped 6 full ounces of meticulously gathered breast milk onto the kitchen floor—and considered for more than a fleeting moment soaking it up with a clean sponge and squeezing it back into the bottle.

You've watched your 6 week old retrieve his wayward pacifier and reinsert it. (Cue theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey.)

Your baby gives you his first smile. And 5 more for good measure.


Keep It To Yourself

Need to shred a CD or floppy? Now you can. [Via Fresh Gear]


For The College Fund

Thinking of going to ETech? Early bird registration pricing expires tomorrow Friday, and there's an extra 20% TechTV discount available with the code "et04TechTV."