

Growth Spurt: 1) Something babies go through periodically. 2) A hole in the space-time continuum.

Nevertheless, I had to surface to mention how cool it is Bag and Baggage was selected the Netlawtools Site of the Year for 2003. It's in illustrious company, given the 2002, 2001, 2000, and 1999 honorees, and the wealth of great legal blogs out there. Kevin Werbach observes that "[s]ome day we may look back and identify the rise of blogs, not the Web, as the decisive development that changed our relationship to information... and to each other," and Jerry Lawson has dubbed '03 "the year of the blawg." It's continually wonderful to meet people, grow, and learn through this process.

Speaking of the Year of the Blawg, I don't see any Technorati links to this Reuters story yet — LiveWire: Web unites and divides legal profession. "Lawyers, journalists and the general public can also get news fed to them with software that scans major legal Web sites and legal online newsletters or Web logs, or blogs, for short."


Funny, He Was Here Just A Second Ago...


Worthy Resolutions

To keep Tyler croc-free, to follow Paul Boutin's 101 Ways to Save the Internet, and to congratulate Kevin Werbach (who Paul thanks in connection with the 101 Ways piece, and who also seems to have a relatively croc-free environment in mind for his Esther).


Truly, Madly, Deeply

Mad Kane:

I'm very pleased to report that I'm a nominee in two categories in this year's About.com Political Dot-Comedy Awards competition. My political humor as a whole is nominated in the Best Parodies (Overall Achievement) category and my Dubya's Dayly Diary is a nominee in the Best Bush Humor category. So if you have time, I'd really appreciate your voting for me in one or both categories here. Thanks!

And even if you're not in a voting mood, I'll bet you enjoy visiting the terrific nominees in categories including Best Web Cartoons, Best Satirical News, Most Entertaining Left-Wing News & Commentary, Most Entertaining Right-Wing News & Commentary, Best Print Comic Strip, and Best Late-Night TV Comedy. You may even find some new (to you) humor sites to help you survive 2004.

At present, Mad has 6% of the vote for Best Parodies, and is coming on strong in the Bush Humor category at 11%. Go give her your support.

It's no joke however that Howard Dean seems to be lagging behind George W. in the infant campaign gear category. I'll need to speak with Rick Klau about this.


Today's New Blawg

Word of Blog provides "legal news and resources for writers, editors, musicians, artists, and other communicators," and thus has a heavy copyright emphasis. Debbi Mack is the author. (That Debbi Mack? Dunno, but seems likely.) [Via Blawg.org]