
Watch TWiL Live Tomorrow (4/22), 3:30 PDT On TWiT.tv (#twit)

Tomorrow will be a fun first for this WEEK in LAW: we'll be live on TWiT.tv starting at 3:30 p.m. Pacific. You can watch at live.twit.tv, or on Stickam or UStream. Chat with us real-time at irc.twit.tv or on FriendFeed (the Stickam and UStream channels have their own chat as well, but I won't be monitoring those while we're on.) Guests are Ray Beckerman, Eric Goldman, Colette Vogele, and Evan Brown, and Leo's joining us too (yay!). Discussion notes are being aggregated here (tag something for:thisweekinlaw in del.icio.us or @dhowell me on Twitter to suggest more).



It's Not Over 'Til The Bunnies Dance

Have a lovely day!


Not *Every* Children's Book Needs A Film Adaptation

via @rklau:


The Difference Between 5 and 44


Parent (Putting child to bed. Trying to remember the three questions we answer each night together: "What did we learn today?" "How did we fill someone's bucket?" and — pausing, struggling hard to remember...)

Child: Reach DEEP into your brain —

Parent: What are we grateful for?

(answer: So very much.)




My 21st Century I-Am-Woman Cred:  Gone


Child (watching parent pay bills): Whatcha doin'?

Parent: Paying bills.

Child: Why?

Parent: So we have lights, power, water...

Child: I'm never going to pay bills.

Parent: When you're grown up, you will.

Child (imperiously): No — The...Children's...Muthah...Will...Doit.

Parent: (Simultaneously shoots and kicks self for being so slow on the uptake for online bill pay.)