
Love, Mom

Public Service Announcement: Mother's Day is May 10. On my list for the many moms in our lives: Love, Mom — Poignant, Goofy, Brilliant Messages from Home, from the folks at Postcards from Yo Momma: A repository of modern day maternal correspondence. (There's a Kindle version too. Also, crab napkin rings. But I digress.)


Seventy Is The New Seventeen

It's my dad's birthday! This is a love note for him. Want to give Mel a present? Book a stay at the Little River Inn. Follow the Inn on Twitter. And buy his book. 8~)




Because My Dad Read It To Me Nightly (And Reads My Blog Daily)

Can't. Wait.

Planet 51 (out in the fall) looks fun too:


Glad There's Someone In The World With True RC Airplane Skillz

Not in my family, of course. We're more along the lines of durability testers (and thus far none of the dozens we've tested have passed...).


Kindle-Card Hack

super slide
Originally uploaded by bjorkish

So, someone you know and love knows and loves a Kindle? Here's how to give them a cool surprise:

  1. Make sure you're on their list of "approved 'From' email addresses," and that you have their Kindle's email address.
  2. Create a fun slideshow for them with occasion-appropriate images and wit.
  3. Save the slides as a PDF.
  4. Email to the recipient's Kindle.

Your gift will magically appear in a place they probably don't expect, and hopefully bring a smile. (One that justifies the $.10 it'll cost 'em.)

[Update:] Tip: portrait-orienting the PDF seems to work best.