
In The Nick(olas?) Of Time

Given I am not far from giving birth, yet miles from settling on a name for the little nipper, imagine my delight at finding Baby's Named A Bad, Bad Thing, "[A] catalog of naming questions and suggestions posted on several different baby naming bulletin boards going back as far as early 2001." This, from "Part I: Brought to You by the Letter Y:"

We aren't having kids for another year or two, but we like Kellyna Nychole, Taryn Mykah and Mykenzie Kathryn for girls.

This woman was indicted under the Flagrant Over-Use of the Letters K and Y Act of 1983.

[Via Maccers, via Rick Bruner]


Today's New Blawg

In addition to being the creator of the Sapere Aude group blog from students at Indiana University's School of Law in Indianapolis, Joshua Claybourn has his own blog. Joshua writes about legal and political issues, without neglecting girlfriends past, present, and (perhaps) future.


Life & Times Segment Backgrounder (And Gratuitous Promo Shot Of Me, My Phone, And I)


Say, "Cheesy!"

Ok, so we've established the supermodels are toast, and those within KCET's signal range are tuning in to my segment tonight, right? Well, even if not, here are some links on topics covered in the interview. (I have no idea if the related points will make their way into the final edit, but this is the stew of stuff I had in mind when Toni and I spoke.)


More Things To Sprinkle Around The Office

In addition to Blogger's observation that no working environment can have too many copies of Cluetrain lying about, some additional essentials (both via Rick Bruner) include:



Advice For The Bloglorn

Biz Stone, having provided sage counsel on how to avoid the apocalyptic collision of mom and blog, now tackles How Not to Get Fired Because of Your Blog. The Cluetrain Kool-Aid section is a howler:

Put a copy in the break room on top of the donut box, run out to the parking lot and stick one under your CEO's windshield wiper, stand outside the executive washroom with some mints and a basket of books, or just walk up to your manager and say, "Oh, and here's that book you wanted."

Meanwhile, Dooce (Heather Armstrong) describes an apocalyptic collision of mom-to-be and blog—the kind where, once again, a wealth of knowledge is not necessarily a good thing. At least it's reassuring to know someone is making progress toward Mid-East peace. (Bonus post: Belly Button Watch 2K3. Thanks, Hanan, for recognizing I'd find these irresistible.)