
Today's New Blawg

Mark Loftus, a trial lawyer in Chicago, writes Trials and Tribulations. [Via Ernie Svenson] Without naming names or apparently disclosing confidences, Mark blogs about the cases he is handling in some detail, as well as the law that affects them. This is truly a trial lawyer's journal, and thus provides a series of vignettes and personal impressions about the legal system's function at that level.



I had fun last week meeting and doing an interview with Toni Guinyard of Los Angeles PBS station KCET. The segment is scheduled to air tomorrow on Life & Times at 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. PST:


What happens to your privacy when more and more cell phones are also cameras. Tony Guinyard explores the pros and cons of this new technology, and what you should be aware of.

A colleague was "kind" enough to point out that my television debut—not Bag and Baggage's of course; in all likelihood the unregenerate tangle of code will utterly upstage me—airs precisely opposite the third annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. C'mon—me, 8½ months pregnant, in a suit, or Karolina, not, and not (what is that thing, anyway??). Ahem. Well. There's always TiVo.


Barrett v. Rosenthal To Get A Second Look

Last month, in Barrett v. Rosenthal (PDF), the California Court of Appeal (First District, Division 2) reversed the Alameda County Superior Court's determination that the 1996 Communications Decency Act (CDA) immunized Ilena Rosenthal from defamation liability when she re-posted statements of a third party in an Internet newsgroup. (See the EFF's case archive.) Last week, the Court of Appeal agreed to take another look at its decision when it granted (11/10 docket entry) respondent Rosenthal's Petition for Rehearing. I haven't read the Petition and so don't know on what grounds rehearing was sought, but the San Francisco Chronicle is not optimistic about the chances for a substantive turnaround: "such reviews seldom change the results[, and] [a]n appeal to the state Supreme Court seems virtually certain...." [Via ILN]


Today's New Blawg

Craig Silverman, a 22 year prosecutor and defense lawyer, plans to blog the Kobe Bryant trial for ABC 7 News in Denver, CO: "In my job as legal analyst and in this blog, Channel 7 has given me the privilege and opportunity to observe and opine about the people and the law involved in this epic court battle." (Is this page a really a weblog? It certainly has those aspirations. It would probably behoove a major news outlet to eliminate more of the doubt about that on the technical front. Doing so would make the page more useful, too.)


Say It Loud: I'm Dry And I'm Proud

Andis Kaulins reacts to the Stewart Kirkpatrick article noted here last week: "Hoping that I will still be welcome in Ayrshire ..." So does The Curmudgeonly Clerk: "[I]f one is looking for legal news and commentary, the best that the blawgosphere has to offer is far better than the print media generally manages." (As Kevin Heller points out we're just feeding the hand that bites us, but as long as we stick to Scottish cuisine—with apologies to Gary T.!—I can live with that.)