
Bottoms Up

Chris Geidner writes eloquently at En Banc In Defense of Student-Edited Law Reviews: "By giving tomorrow's lawyers this responsibility, new ideas—beneficial for all—might appear, ideas that could take the law in directions seen as necessary by today's law students but odd or tangential by those accustomed to the status quo."


Public Disputes (Round II: The Blawgers)

xrlq posts the Infotel C&D letter Justene Adamec recieved last week; 21 comments so far.

It's been about 18 months since Ernie Miller and I—with a dollop of Glenn Reynolds thrown in for good measure—were musing about how the public airing of prelitigation demand letters might affect dispute resolution as we know it. This current brouhaha is particularly interesting because it already has drawn so many legal professionals into the discussion. The participation and insights being provided remind me a little of Harvard's Openlaw project, coming together in an even more ad hoc manner. (See again Larry Lessig's Wired column on political blogs: "A managed community works about as well as a managed economy. So the challenge is to find a way to build community without the community feeling built.")



Why hasn't someone done this before: The OneLook Reverse Dictionary? [Via Genie Tyburski] (Has someone done this before? It's like a thesaurus, but something about being a "reverse dictionary" elevates the coolness quotient about six ticks.)


John Allen Muhammad Is Guilty

So says a jury in Virginia Beach, and the sentencing phase of the trial is under way: "A jury of 12 Virginia Beach residents this morning found sniper suspect John Allen Muhammad guilty of capital murder, after deliberating about six hours. He could be sentenced to death." Kerry Sipe continues to blog real time courthouse coverage.


Today's New Blawg

Psst—wanna see three lawyers blogging? Then check out Digitus Impudicus, where you can learn all about rude Romans, nude laundry, and skewed doughnut nutritional assessments. [Via Howard; welcome home.]