
Link Buffet

OJR has an excerpt from Digital Dilemmas: Ethical Issues for Online Media Professionals, examining the legality and ethics of linking [via Genie Tyburski]:

The courts, it appears, have made the legal issues that much more complicated. On the one hand there is the European trend toward recognizing deep links as a type of infringement, while the U.S. courts (at least as of late 2002) have offered little guidance other than to suggest that all forms of linking are legal.

In connection with its new show InventThis, TechTV offers an online Patent Guide.

Finally, the National Lampoon's Deteriorata [via Hanan Levin] has this important reminder:

Whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back.



CitiBank's c2it is no more:

c2it service will be discontinued as of November 9, 2003. Effective November 9, 2003, you will not be able to conduct financial transactions on the website.

It's been awhile since I've tried but as I recall I was scarcely able to conduct financial transactions on the site in the past, so this may just be a confirmation of status quo.


Today's New Blawg

The Democratic National Committee writes Kicking Ass [via Dave Winer]:

We put out press releases, email newsletters, fundraising appeals, form letters, and advertisements. You write letters, volunteer, and donate.

But where's the frank, one-on-one communication? Blogs make that possible. On Kicking Ass, you're going to meet real people at the DNC and hear our real thoughts. And we're going to listen to you.

Eric Folley of Kicking Ass will join others on BloggerCon's Presidential Politics panel this Saturday, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Eastern.


Take (Over) Our Marketing, Please!

Or more accurately, join the team. My firm's Los Angeles office is in the market for a Marketing Coordinator. If you're reading this and other blogs and blawgs (look right; give yourself a few days), you might just understand several things about lawyers, marketing, and the Web that would serve you (and us) well in this position. My unsolicited (and un-HR vetted; mind you don't check your judgment at the door) pre-interview reading list of course would include as many of these selections as you can manage. Given that the job description among other things calls on you to PowerPoint us in the right direction, it also would be a plus if Aaron Swartz's PowerPoint Remix leaves you smiling and nodding rather than irretrievably perplexed. (Wouldn't hurt if Aaron's "as seen on slashdot" tagline does the same.)


Don't Mess With The Boss

That's my assistant Adriane over in the TextAmerica box this morning (a.k.a. The Boss), and she just handed me this: "A man who was expected to plead guilty yesterday to having sex in St. Patrick's Cathedral will have to answer to a higher authority."