
$2.2 Trillion

Those are the damages sought in Steve Kirsch's class action lawsuit against More from Wired News.


Today's New Blawg

Bubba, an in-house Memphis attorney who deals in import/export regulatory issues, writes Schadenfreude. For you X-Files aficionados, he—I can safely assume a "Bubba" is a "he," can't I?—has some first hand experience with lost time. For us construction aficionados, he has some first hand experience with power tools. (And you've got to love the commenter's observation that the manufacturer is well known for its sewing machines...) [Via Ernie Svenson]


Walls, Doors, Floors, Ceilings: Your Days Are Numbered

I must have warmed to David Giacalone's BloggerCon essay ("Jargon Builds Walls Not Bridges") because of the chaotic, construction-ravaged state of my home at the moment. We're all about ripping through walls, windows, floors, ceilings, peace, quiet... (Don't ever think you can undertake a "small" construction project. There is no such beast. Recently, I was game enough to suggest to some nice friends who want to throw me a shower in November, "Hey, we could do it at the house." Now I'm wondering: (1) whether the sounds of hammers, saws, and a vast array of power tools might actually be soothing to an infant, like a clothes dryer or car engine, and (2) whether any of our local hotels might cut me a special "maternity leave" rate come December.)

But as usual, I digress. Do you think terms like "blog" and "blawg" are cliquish and off-putting? I don't. If you have an opinion, go add it to the thread. (If you have carpentry skills, I'll see you at 8:00 a.m. sharp.)


Up, And Upcoming

Will Baude and friends at Crescat Sententia have moved to new digs, and are featuring an interview with "the blogosphere's foremost expert in election law," Rick Hasen.

Eugene Volokh—"186,000 miles per second. It's more than just a good idea; it's the law."—will run one of the free BloggerCon sessions on Sunday, October 5, called Weblogs and Law.


Today's New Blawg

Senator and presidential hopeful John Edwards is blogging (but not BloggerConning). The site features posts from the Senator himself, in addition to staff and other supporters. Anybody can post comments. [Via Professor Lessig]