
Never Too Early

It's only September, but you may want to file these a cappella gems away as holiday gifts for your favorite legal loved one:


Distance Learning

So, I finally will have to download the RealPlayer it seems. A small price to pay. I'm sad to have to miss BloggerCon, but it's good consolation to know there will be no shortage of reports!

And this just in: "The Clark campaign just opened their new weblog. More announcements from Clark at BloggerCon on Saturday." "[T]he mastermind behind the Clark '04 campaign's blog strategy and web site"—Generally Speaking—is none other than Cameron Barrett of CamWorld and WatchBlog. Smart move.


Her Honor

The National Association of Women Judges has much to celebrate as Governor Davis keeps filling vacant California appellate court seats in anticipation of next week's election.


Today's New Blawg

Professor Michael Froomkin, of the University of Miami School of Law and, writes His Spot The Weird Detail post today deserves to be read in full and not quoted, so please "Scoot!" Ah, the injustice—none of my law professors were particularly reminiscent of Dave Barry or Carl Hiaasen, and I'm betting few can say theirs were. (Let's hope Matt Stein gets himself into Professor Froomkin's Internet course next year so we can live vicariously.)

It's worth setting aside a good block of time to explore Professor Froomkin's home page as well, where you can catch up on his prolific writings, not to mention his adorable kids.


Easy Listenin'

I've become totally addicted to Chris Lydon's sundry interviews during my commute. For more free and noteworthy audio, you might also surf over to the media page at, where you can find audio and video from OSCOM, and Dave Winer's and David Weinberger's keynote talks from the Weblog Business Strategies conference.