
Male Trail

I've been wondering what the Incompetent Attorney has been up to lately, haven't you?

I'm on a big case and I've been reading e-mails all week. I read about how drunk you were last night. I read about that time you did that really bad thing with that person. I read about your aunt who lives in Philadelphia.

Everything IA posts—from Attorney Arrogance to Zesting—is gold, I must get over there more often (as of course should you).


Today's New Blawg

Paul attends the University of Edinburgh and will be studying law and politics there for the foreseeable future. He writes An Oasis—"Just trying to get a little pizza in an uncivilized world"—, an ecclectic mix of politics, business, culture, you name it. Paul is also demonstrably intelligent. Of a recent emarketing conference, he writes: "[W]hatever you do don't trust the opinion of just anyone who manages to get a speaking gig at one of these events." More good stuff over there, enjoy. [Via]


RIP, L.A. Lap Dancing

The Los Angeles City Council has concluded its inquiry into the pros and cons of lap dancing, and unanimously—"despite stiff opposition"—banned the practice at local strip clubs. This move may lend unwitting (but unquestionably needed) support to the campaign of gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey, who promises legal, tax deductible lap dancing as a pillar of her platform, in addition to live Web cams in the governor's mansion, and goodwill ambassadors from the adult entertainment industry.


Go Ahead, Make My Day

From Talene Reilly via Xeni Jardin: "Cool laptop cases for girlnerds. One of them even includes a baby-changing panel." (Link added.)

From Apple, in the upcoming version of OS X (Panther), Address Book will do labels:

Do you like to correspond by paper mail? Whether you want to send holiday greetings to friends and family or send a printed newsletter to clients, Address Book can help by printing all your labels for you. No need to export records to another application. Address Book prints directly onto dozens of supported Avery, Avery metric and Dymo label stocks.

Does anyone "like" to correspond by paper mail? But having one platform that not only will do it, but also will put that information everywhere else you conceivably could need it, sounds delicious.


Today's New Blawg

Scheherazade (Sherry) writes Civil Procedure [via Buzz Bruggeman and Ernie Svenson]: "[L]ife really is better with coffee." Sherry is exploring some topics that will hit home for anyone starting out as an attorney in private practice, including the profession's emphasis on credentials and pedigrees, and the gratification that comes from doing good work for good clients.