
Slip O' The Tongue

Well, I suppose it's no surprise that the highlight for me of this afternoon's en banc oral argument in the recall case was Mark Rosenbaum's accidental reference to "this Circus" instead of "this Circuit"—it broke the whole courtroom up, but good. Thank goodness for him it happened just as he was wrapping up, and he was able to smile, fold up his notes, and get out, amid the still dying chuckles from the huge panel.

I spent the time, uh, productively, setting up Carry-On Baggage, The Bag and Baggage Moblog, in one browser tab, while monitoring C-SPAN in another. In honor of today's proceedings, Chief Judge Schroeder is the first/test moblog post. Pretty nifty service they've got there at TextAmerica.


Today's New Blawg

"Randy Roberts is a law student, web designer, redesigned the ABA E-Commerce Law Division website, and volunteer as an editing assistant for the ABA's Antitrust Section - Corporate Counseling Committee." (Link added) Randy also founded and maintains the Law and Policy Institutions Guide. The site is undergoing some additions and renovations, and now includes a reference page for blawgs. Someone check my work, but it seems to me that makes blawging an institution. (QED)



The EFF is concerned about proposed voting equipment standards now pending before the IEEE: "[T]he standard fails to require or even recommend that voting machines be truly voter verified or verifiable, a security measure that has broad support within the computer security community." [Via Dan Gillmor]

And Howard Bashman has a comprehensive discussion of what to expect in connection with tomorrow's en banc hearing before the Ninth Circuit in the recall election case.


Angels And Oranges

File these under Southern California culture watch.

Not Your Mama's Yoga Class

The cover story and accompanying piece in today's Los Angeles Times Magazine examine the shift in the world of yoga from "5,000-year-old Hindu spiritual practice that attempts physical purification" to, as YogaFit® advertises on its YogaButt® video, "real yoga for real people." Pick your poison: WalMart, Target, or Marks & Spencer?

The Show We Love To Hate

Seeing as how I've derived immoderate pleasure from deciding which real world acquaintances best match the show's characters, it pains me to mention that The OC is on hiatus until October 30. Until then, I'm taking solace in The Pool House, the Official yet snarky, fun, and Blog*Spot hosted weblog [via Biz Stone], and Matt Coker's The OC Watch, from OC Weekly:


Musically Noted

Jon Healey in today's Los Angeles Times business section ("Music Fans Starting to Tune In to Fee-Based Sites"):

The revolution isn't solely about free songs. It's also about having entree to a vast, reliable collection of recorded music that isn't controlled by radio programmers, record-store stockers or major-label executives.

Sean Parker's vision, as quoted in All the Rave by Joseph Menn:

Ultimately, Napster could have evolved into a bazaar, where subcultures discovered each other. You wouldn't find an isolated person, but a person who had an interest in different genres, with their own taste, who was part of a community, and that user was a destination in that community....It could lubricate the social discovery of music and accelerate it and usher in, I thought, a new golden age of music.