
Interesting Stats

Between 1994 and 1999, the [9th Circuit] reheard 65 cases with the 11-judge panels, according to a [University of Pittsburgh School of Law professor Arthur Hellman] study. The larger panel reversed or altered the outcome of the three-judge panels 49 times, according to the study.

[Via CNN, links added]


In Under The Wire?

Yesterday was the last day to register to vote in the October 7 California election, which according to the 9th Circuit is going forward (PDF). Rick Hasen: "The en banc court did the Supreme Court a tremendous favor." Howard Bashman: "[T]he decision is written in a way that makes U.S. Supreme Court review extraordinarily unlikely."


Today's New Blawg

Jacob W. writes One Maven (with confidence, I might add). He writes of (non)promises, gunners, and law student bumperstickers, and is otherwise wittily observant—a vital school supply that's tough to find in the student store.


0 For 2

So, Carry-On Baggage's template doesn't validate, and its RSS is funky, "like cheese you left in the fridge too long." Worth every penny I paid for them, I suppose! (It's still a neat service, cuts out several intermediate steps to posting photos.)


SurReality TV

Did you notice this week's episode of K Street (originally aired September 21) is all about the P2P wars? "The firm prepares to pitch their services to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)." Starring, among others, Senator Orrin Hatch, Rep. Mary Bono, and Branford Marsalis as themselves. By the end of the show, James Carville thinks he has hit on the "money" solution to improving the music industry's image. (It has to do with parking tickets.)