
Prompted by Plinky, 3 songs for a road-trip mix tape

Supermassive Black Hole by Muse

You need a little room for the car to swerve as you're boppin' along to it.

Seven by They Might Be Giants

You need your kids singing along too.

Stairway to Heaven by Rodrigo y Gabriela

Every drive needs a cover with a good twist.

Trying out Jason Shellen's new company/service, Plinky. Pretty nifty. (One of its taglines: "Hey, didn't you used to have a blog?")


A Lawyer In Full

My December Dicta column is up: A Lawyer in Full. It looks at how expectations and reality are prone to diverge when it comes to part-time/reduced hours schedules.

You can access my earlier Dicta columns, On Life Support, and Death by Committee, and Rare Birds, at those links.


A Lawyer in Full


I'll Take Mine Blonde

eye opener
Originally uploaded by penelopepi

We of the highlighted variety are by no means immune. Case in point: made three 10-cup pots of coffee over the holiday weekend without remembering one needs — at least occasionally — to empty and clean the filter. Where was this avalanche of coffee coming from??? Oh. Yeah.


Let Them Eat Up All The Cake

Bag and Baggage is seven today, having survived the Grokster decision, my son's birth, TextAmerica, Bloogle, GooTube, and I can't even begin to remember all else; thank goodness for archives. Happy seven!


Tweeter Than Wine

Blawg Review 186 highlights some recent Twitter talk in the blawgosphere. I don't get that there's much to discuss: microblogging is faster and more immediately interactive (i.e., results-producing) than longer form discourse, which remains great when you have something to convey that doesn't lend itself to 140 characters or less. I'm extremely grateful for Twitter and Laconica — but for them, you wouldn't be hearing much at all from me these days I slog through work and motherhood. For lawyers seeking further enlightenment, hie thee to Niki Black's Twitter 101 for Lawyers. For the rest of the world, ignore this, you're already there.