
Stumpy The Brave

stumpy_version1 from colorwars on Vimeo.

Loved this story by Ze Frank with illustrations from his listeners/readers. His next project is an interactive book for children, and he could use your kids' help if you and they are so inclined.


Typical Female Mac Users Steal Victor's Show

Thanks to Victor Cajaio for letting the lunatics run the asylum on this week's Typical Mac User Podcast. I chimed in with a spot about EULAs and terms of service, and Victor rounded up an interesting an eclectic lot of women to contribute.

Typical Mac User Podcast


Rare Birds

My September Dicta column is up: Rare Birds. In addition to all the great input I received from readers here, my inspirations included:


  • Women now have choices. They can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children. Men have the same choices we've always had: work or prison. ~Tim Allen

  • If it can't be fixed by duct tape or WD-40, it's a female problem. ~Jason Love

  • Man who drive like hell, bound to get there. ~pseudo-Confucian proverb


You can access my earlier Dicta columns, On Life Support, and Death by Committee, at those links.


American Lawyer


Our Man In The High-Rise Condo

Welcoming Gustav.
Originally uploaded by catd_mitchell

Best of luck to Ernie Svenson as he battens down the hatches, once again, in New Orleans. Keep that iPhone charged Ernie (and let's hope the fail whale is sojourning far from the Gulf). The Gustav Information Center is aggregating photos, video, microblog reports, and other information sharing regarding the storm.


Not To My Ignorance

Building Zivley
Originally uploaded by vaXzine

Happily, I'm fairly certain I did not coin the term "legablournal." You should definitely check out Life at Law and TheLegality, though. The first is fun and informative, the second a must-subscribe.