
Death By Committee

My June Dicta column is up: Death by Committee. In a nutshell: until law firm women's initiatives decide to spend more time kicking ass than kissing it, the most meaningful effect they're likely to have on your life is an unscheduled afternoon nap.


Death By Committee


Three Women To Whom 200 MPH Is A Mere Tress-Ruffling Breeze

Sarah Fisher (start position #25), Milka Duno (start position #27), and Danica Patrick (START POSITION #5) will compete in tomorrow's Indianapolis 500. I believe that's a history-making — and to me, viscerally satisfying — bit of trivia (do correct me if I'm wrong...).



Last night as my husband was watching the NBA playoffs, we were discussing TiVo. He was annoyed at how TiVo will sometimes interrupt what he's watching to record something else — not an ideal situation. I explained this wasn't due to anything I set up but rather the TiVo Suggestions feature, which picks shows to record based on what you've told TiVo you like. (I generally toggle off this setting, but on this box it's on.) At this point our four-year-old, who I'd assumed was ignoring such mundane chatter, chimed in at the top of his lungs:



Thumbs Up, by ats360

(Image by ats360, CC by-nc-nd 2.0)


Got $200 Burning A Hole In Your Pocket? Need MCLE?

Blogging as Client Development:  Effective and Ethical

Tomorrow at 10 PDT I'll be speaking on (at?) an ALI-ABA teleseminar called Blogging as Client Development: Effective and Ethical. Moderating will be Bentley Tolk and also joining us will be Greg Siskind. My take on the "effectiveness" part of the discussion will no doubt channel Doc Searls' "because of, not with" sentiments. 1 hour of MCLE (w/ .5 of it ethics) can be yours for a mere $199. (Hey, I wouldn't pay it, but then again my state bar compliance deadline isn't right around the corner, either.)


Tidal Wildlife

Tidal Wildlife
Originally uploaded by Denise Howell

Days like today are why I live in Southern California. Just spectacular.