
Big Listen

Cory Doctorow's Little Brother: 0wn it. I went for the audio, but you can get it in just about any form you'd like, including many free, downloadable versions.

Link to purchase and download this audiobook without Flash interaction


Carrot Pie

Carrot Pie
Originally uploaded by Denise Howell

Tyler is turning out to be quite a little chef in his old age (almost 4 1/2). Here's his recipe for Carrot Pie (really more of a quiche, but don't tell him):

1 frozen pie crust
1 1/2 packages frozen glazed carrots
3 eggs
Parmesan cheese
Dollop of cream cheese
1/2 can of cream of chicken soup
1/2 can of broccoli cheddar soup
garlic and herbs

Mix eggs, cheeses, soups, spices and herbs in bowl. Thaw carrots in microwave and arrange in crust. Pour egg mixture over. Bake 35 minutes at 375; cool 10 minutes.

Dinner time.


Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
Originally uploaded by Lily Zhu

Happy Mother's Day to all the working mothers...because every mother is a working mother! Enjoy, all.


Blawgs In (Magazine) Space

The May issue of the California Lawyer has a "survival guide to legal blogs and blogging" (click fast; pay wall drops soon) featuring a number of familiar voices/old friends from the blawgosphere. A nice overview, though as public defender Gideon (whose about page made me chortle) points out on Twitter, "fun" is missing from the list of reasons to blog. "Venting" also, though I think it's there implicitly. The space lounge/comic book cover graphic by Fay Schenkman steals the show.

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A Little More Conversation

Niki Black, of Women Lawyers &mdash Back on Track and a host of other bloggy goodness, is helping me with a bit of informal temperature-taking on the perceived effectiveness of law firm women's initiatives and committees. If the topic moves you, check out her post and leave a comment there or in her Facebook group.