
Talk To The Commons

Creative Commons: "Our weblog now takes comments." (Identifies the authors of particular posts too, which is new and nice.)



Paul Boutin has the scoop on Centrino, with two Slate articles on the subject: "Stop the Clock" and "Intel Outside." Says Boutin, "If personal computers were the first stage of the digital revolution and the Internet the second, then Wi-Fi is the third stage, letting you take your computer and the 'Net wherever you go." TechTV is excited about Centrino too, though not so much about the 802.11b card component: "Does it mean Centrino is better in the wireless world than other non-Intel wireless cards? We're not convinced quite yet." Bonus links: Doc Searls answers Paul's questions about World of Ends via email, and David Weinberger does so by blog. And yet another bonus link: Intel's hotspot finder.


Spotted Blawgs

(Not believed nearly as endangered as spotted tree frogs.)


Tuning Stayed

Jonas reports that the first version of "pundyt" should be available shortly:

I believe it's about time to lift the veil of secrecy and let you all in on the big project plan: I give you: pundyt , a full fledged microcontent management and news delivery system. Pundyt is somewhere between Radio Userland, Movable Type, Drupal, and Ampheta Desk. Blawgy goodness built in, that means, for example, a citations database, case crossreferences, auto-linking of whatever you'd like to autolink, but especially bluebook-style citations, etc.

But that's not all. Pundyt comes with desktop frontends for Mac OS X, Windows (not finished, yet), Unix (it's Open Source), and Palm OS, and has a fully integrated workflow management backend.

Woah, sounds super!


The Blawgregator

It looks like Jonas has been having some fun with the Blawgistan feeds, and has The Blawgregator ("A daily dose of blawgy goodness...") up and running. Very nice.