
April Fool?

April Fool?
Originally uploaded by Denise Howell

Spotted in the Home Depot parking lot. Manager's, maybe? (Makeshift car cover? No glove, no love?)

[Update:] Maybe George Wallace's April Fool's Blawg Appendix 2008 will be able to figure it out.


How Not To Tick Off Your Spouse

About two babies and a Goat.
Originally uploaded by .eti

All you poor parents who toil in a far-off office and must sometimes depart in the morning before the children are awake: we feel your pain, we really do. Notwithstanding, you must not, repeat NOT, under any circumstances, peek in on sleeping youngsters on your way out the door. I don't care how dead to the world they seem. THEY WAKE UP.

Showers are a right, not a privilege.


Everyone Needs A Wife


Originally uploaded by bondidwhat

Carolyn Elefant shares an article indicating that "breadwinner" men (men with families/kids) are among the more hours-intensive members of the legal profession. Behind, by the way, childless women, who lead the pack in hours. (As Carolyn aptly points out, more hours doesn't necessarily equal most productive, and might mean just the opposite.) This is all consistent with something Professor Joan Williams at Hastings told me recently: "78% of male partners are married to women who earn no more than 25% of the family income. That really highlights the fact that this all-or-nothing pattern of be a go-getter makes law firm partnership seem available not only not to most women, but also to men with a specific family model."

Along these lines, one of my best friends, who unaccountably manages an SF PR firm AND is supermom to 4 kids, gave me Peeing in Peace for my birthday. A funny book but it depresses the hell out of me, highlighting as it does the way working moms must constantly adapt to their situation, rather than, just about ever, vice versa.


Lunch At The Lab

Lunch at The Lab
Originally uploaded by Denise Howell

Sometimes when munching away on your roasted eggplant sandwich, you look up and you see...


Click For Kids

Kai's Play
Originally uploaded by zarzoso

MomsRising is working on sending 40,000 letters to congress about stopping budget cuts to after school programs — one for each of the 40,000 U.S. kindergarteners apparently left home alone each day after school. They're over halfway there. Your couple of clicks could get them over the top. More from Jodi Grant, Executive Director of Afterschool Alliance.