
RSS Primer; Blogger Pro RSS; Auto-Discovery

Steven Cohen's article on RSS for non-techies is up at llrx. Thanks Steven, we non-librarians appreciate this too.

Hey, and the Blogger Pro RSS generator now works for blog*spot users! So, if you're subscribing here, I suggest updating to, which is RSS v. 0.91 and includes post headings. (I'll leave the Voidstar code in the template for anyone who prefers v. 0.92 and no headings, and/or has no time for this sort of thing.)

Finally, as I understand the RSS auto-discovery talk -- "you can subscribe to an HTML page, and if it has a suitable 'link' element in its 'head', the aggregator will subscribe to the RSS feed it points to" -- I have done the deed to Bag and Baggage. If you are auto-discovering my RSS (will this require local anesthetic?), do let me know that it worked.


"An Anguished Bunch"

Good story about knowledge management software company RecomMind and its management:

"[C.O.O. Derek] Schueren doesn't know much about lawyers. Like everyone else at RecomMind, he's never worked at a firm, or sold to lawyers before, but he believes they are an anguished bunch. 'There's a great amount of knowledge at law firms, and it's frustrating [for lawyers] not to be able to tap into it,' says Schueren."


Memory Banks

"Being deprived of my blog right now would be akin to suffering extensive brain-damage. Huge swaths of acquired knowledge would simply vanish. Just as my TiVo frees me from having to watch boring television by watching it for me, my blog frees me up from having to remember the minutae of my life, storing it for me in handy and contextual form." [Cory Doctorow at O'Reilly]

Ev, I have been hoping your backup redundancy is on the really well thought out side.


Another One Bites The Dust

Christopher: fantastic. Now, do me a favor and jump right into Gonzo Marketing which picks up where Cluetrain leaves off. Then drop Jeneane a line and come join us at Reading Gonzo Engaged. (This invitation is by no means exclusive to Christopher, but he's on a roll.)


The Unexamined TV Viewer

Declan McCullagh has the scoop on Judge Cooper's recent order in the ReplayTV case, where she reversed the magistrate judge's directive about collecting viewer data. He also has a link to the Epic amicus brief on privacy issues, but it sounds like the judge was more focused on technical burdens than privacy ones.