
Ernie Blogs Marek - Atta Boys!

Marek's legions of fans include another Attorney, (of the Ernie variety), who rightly notes "close observation" is in order. Marek's piece on corporate blogging asks, "Wanna Play Passion? We are ready."


Wherever, Whenever

"Note: This handy application is now available on your web-enabled cell phone, for those times when you need some bullshit but aren't near a PC. Just point your phone's browser to http://dack.com and follow your nose."

The Web Economy Bullshit Generator: don't leave home without it. (See also The Excellent Intranet Cost Analyzer, and Amazon 2001: A Navigation Odyssey.)


Well Done

This is too cool (Amphetadesk-creator's response to Ed Murray re peccadillos). Now there's another news aggregator I have to give a whirl. And I promised Ernie I'd download Radio. And it's raining writs (and briefs, and oral arguments, and...) still at work. And things keep popping up from Frank. And guests and fathers are descending for the weekend, which will (happily) require interaction with close-range humans over the keyboard and LCD. You'll all keep me up on things until the electronic agents can jump in, won't you?


The Big Questions

Daniel Taylor and an enduring philosophical dilemma (06/03): "If she's nude, how do you know she's Batgirl?" (Wow, and click the "shoes to match" link while you're there.)


Alternatively Speaking

Author Alan M. Schlein (Find It Online: The Complete Guide To Online Research) offers reviews of non-Google search engines, including Daypop, Kartoo and, of course, BuffySearch. [Via The Screen Savers]