
Silk; Review

Ooh, I like how the Web looks on Silk (thanks, Doc). I also like Dr. Weinberger's take on Frank's interview: "More like, um, a one-act play presented as an e-epistolary interchange with the public looking over its shoulder. It's got anecdotes, banter, theories, jokes, links, poems, photos, a top ten list and therapy. Also homeless people who smell like Dungeness crab."


So This Is How Microbes Feel

Frank Paynter has been hard at work, giving new meaning to the term "biographical sketch." For a considerably more detailed "about" page on yours truly, go here. Also, don't miss his maiden voyage with Elaine, or his forthcoming outings with Jeneane Sessum and Mike Golby.

-Later/p.s.: what I really dug about this interview is how much it was a conversation, and how much I learned about Frank along the way.



Updated the "menage a blogs" with a few entries today: Marek, Kevin, Andrew and Mark/Cory/David, because I'm reading their wonderful offerings all the time and so there they should be, and also George, because Jeneane has me under her complete control and I'm betting Elaine is behind this somehow. Things are getting awfully crowded down the right side of this page, so I'm thinking redesign. "Coming, to a Blog Near You, this Summer!"


What's $12 Million Between Friends?

The New York Times reports (subscription required) that Woody Allen is having trouble drawing crowds both at the theater and the courthouse. (More from CNN) Seems Woody is suing his former producer and "longtime warm" friend for $12 million, but can't see where this should affect their friendship or social schedule.

"He said he had intended that he and Ms. Doumanian would remain friends and actually enjoy the lawsuit, like playful adversaries in a Spencer Tracy-Katharine Hepburn film. He said he thought that she would find the suit 'amusing' and that they would be 'having dinner at night at Le Cirque and facing each other by day.'"
I think Woody has hit on just the solution I need to stimulate droll repartee with old friends. Pardon me, I have some summonses to prepare.


Tiki: The Great Leveler

Cory's tastes have become mainstream, and Barbie's have become tropical. Wish I were six! [Mini Tiki Party Set, nicely complements Cabana or Pergola.]