
Entertaining Politics?

Hey, it's better than the somnambulent sort we've grown accumstomed to. In The Hilarious Road to 2008, blawger-from-way-back, now Wired blogger Sarah Lai Stirland writes: "[T]he election of 2008, which promises to be one of the most pivotal in both US and world history, may also end up as one of the funniest, and most entertaining ever." (In case you're interested, I'm posting this mostly so my Dad will see it.)


Hello, My Name Is Desparate For Attention

But that doesn't mean I didn't bookmark it!!! What? The iPhone Nametag, that's what.

Four step plan:

  1. Enter Name Below

  2. Press Submit

  3. Turn iPhone Sideways

  4. Hang from Neck

Via what's rapidly becoming my favorite blog, Mashable.


Sound (And More) Up

There's a new Sound Policy up today, my interview with lawyer Robert Knox about his client freeadvice.com's lawsuit against a problematic user.

Over at Lawgarithms, I just posted my interview with George Lenard about the pitfalls and risks faced by employers who look to social networking data for information on candidates or hires.

Finally, Victor Cajiao of the Typical Mac User Podcast (who also does invaluable and much appreciated post-production on TWiL) had me on his show recently to discuss the legal ramifications of storing data in the cloud.


The Reverse AOL Continues

Jeff Pulver: "This morning I made the decision to focus all of my professional business social networking contacts to be on Facebook. That means that I am no longer going to accept new LinkedIn requests. After spending the past few months using Facebook, I no longer see the value of LinkedIn."

Jeff's spent a few months, I've spent about 2 weeks. Same decision. I might still continue to accept LinkedIn requests, but as has always been the case with my use of that site, I spend no time in it, on it, or paying attention to what my network is doing there.

Related aside: for reasons Robert Scoble discusses, and as detailed in our Between Lawyers group on Facebook, Facebook finally has me using an aggregator after six years of finding them basically useless. It's Google Reader. So now I have my first grumble: as part of the Google OS/empire, why doesn't Reader have "Blog This" functionality with Blogger?


Law School Drama Club

Spotted on Facebook: a law student social group dubbed "Dear Law School: High School Called, They Want Their Drama Back."

Currently adding to the drama of the law school experience according to the National Law Journal is the small percentage of students who can actually nab those obscenely high paying first year salaries.