
Suggestions Of Power

I'm loving the Digg iPhone app, on which are currently featured Jim Louderback's and Veronica Belmont's forward-looking career changes, as well as the winners of TorrentFreak's Anti-DRM t-shirt design contest.

Here's a metric to which I'd enjoy being privy: the extent of today's iTunes sales spike for Rory Gallagher's The Cuckoo, and the album on which it appears, Wheels Within Wheels.

Bonus links: Dave Winer: "The focus now is the story." Mike Cane: "Oh. My. God." (Footnotable: before reading that I had just reset, de-SIM carded, and boxed my old phone for sale).


Rantin' It Like It Is

Bob Lefsetz, Blood on the Click Wheel: "[W]hen it comes to new products, usability, STOCK OWNERSHIP, one goes with Apple." It was hard to find just one bit to quote, and that wasn't the best of it but I didn't want to ruin the experience of the whole thing for you; go read it.


Avvo: Oh Yeah, It's Got To Work

this WEEK in LAW #8 is up, in which I was joined by Mark Britton from Avvo, Dennis Kennedy, Ernie Svenson, and Mazyar Hedayat. Over at Inter-Alia, Tom Mighell chimes in on an issue central to both the pending lawsuit and Avvo's ultimate success or failure: the results returned by Avvo's rating system will have to pass the smell test. They're not passing Tom's.


Posting from iPhone

Because I'm already logged into Gmail, the iPhone logged me right into Blogger too. Nice. Thumb typing not bad. Very post-PC, but pretty basic; will take some practice to do links, etc.


Tyler's Wave

Text alternative

A Tyler Howell original, with help from Steve Ellis