
Facebook Perfects The Reverse AOL

Didn't we all abandon Prodigy, CompuServe, and AOL for the broader Web in, like, 1994? Now Facebook has us playing under a great big tent again. The difference: this one has a roof but big, flappy, open walls.


Beach Charmers

Newport Beach can be a little hard to take and a lot full of itself, but it's encounters with the likes of these that keeps me a contented NorCal expat:

Newport Dunes Movies at the Beach

Newport Dunes Movies at the Beach

The Golf Ball Art of Steve Ellis

The Golf Ball Art of Steve Ellis


Wish List For Apple

  1. First and foremost, please fix this problem with iTunes 7.3.

  2. YouTube integration with Apple TV and iPhone is great. Next up: Flickr integration with AppleTV and iPhone. Most critically Apple TV. I love seeing all our pictures when music is playing, but how cool would it be to also be able to pick a Flickr Group to suit the mood and occasion?

  3. Please build multiple genre tagging into iTunes, and/or, if it's already there make it more apparent. I'm going to try the comma/smart playlist thing in the meantime. See Everything is Miscellaneous.


BlogHer Conference Calling

I'm on the phone with two of my three BlogHer co-panelists, discussing our session on 'Professional Blogging: Business Considerations Art and Commerce.' (Yawn...also discussing renaming it!) We'll be on July 27 at 2:45 p.m. It's fun listening to these folks (none of whom I've met before), I'm looking forward to the event. On the panel with me are:

  • Moderator Nina Smith ("We're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping without coupons")

  • Liz Gumbinner ("We're just a few moms that track down cool stuff so you can stay busy being fabulous"), and

  • Kelly Erb, a.k.a. TaxGirl (" Yeah, I’m one of those annoying people that you don’t want to see a movie with… I constantly question the tax consequences of plot lines. It’s a sickness.")

All smart and interesting; this should be fun!


The Big 'P'

7 hours have magically dropped into my week: Tyler's going to preschool. It's a rough transition all around. He associates "the drop-off" with the one in the Finding Nemo story that precipitates all the ensuing drama. On my end, I'm at a loss as to what to do with these new, strange, solo hours: exercise, shower, work, blog? Maybe all of them! In daylight!! It's unfathomable.