
Supernova: Will IP Kill Social Media?

Alice Taylor and panzerjohn blogged our session this morning with Mary Hodder, Zahavah Levine, Mark Morril, Fred von Lohmann and Ron Dreben. Here's their coverage:

Here are a few slides I ran through to introduce and identify common themes as to what is social media. I'll try to post a few wrap up thoughts at Lawgarithms. Here are yet more posts and photos from Supernova, and here's the conference's Conversation Hub.

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More from Stanford; More Podcasts!

I'm sitting in the session on law and virtual worlds at Stanford's Fourth Annual E-Commerce Best Practices conference. It's good to see James Grimmelmann up there (who I met back in fall '02). James is talking about the Bragg v. Linden case, which is involved in procedural maneuverings, including a recent district court determination that Linden's arbitration provision in its terms of use is unenforceable (held a contract of adhesion, etc.).

We talked a good deal about the Attention Trust during my panel, so there's the link for any interested visitors.

I was happy to be a guest on two more podcasts that have just gone up: Lawyer2Lawyer on the Avvo class action (MP3; feed), and I recently got together with iTales founder Mary-Margaret O'Connor to discuss legal topics for storytellers (MP3; feed).


At Stanford; On TWiT

I'm at Stanford Law School at its Fourth Annual E-Commerce Best Practices conference. Sitting next to Colette Vogele, we're about to start a panel on monetizing nontraditional content and related legal considerations.

Also, I had a very happy Father's Day yesterday, because I got to join Leo Laporte, Merlin Mann, Will Harris, and Steve Gibson on TWiT! So fun. Next time when Tyler crashes my "recording studio" (which he did at least 3 times), I'm putting him on mic for awhile. He's dying to break into podcasting (and he could riff for awhile in 3-year-old falsetto on the joys of Apple TV).


Will Blog For Squeeze

Glenn Tilbrook — still awesome!


To Nemo, Or Not To Nemo?

I have been getting the full court press from the youngest member of our family to hightail it on over to Disneyland, wait in the no doubt interminable line, and ride the revamped submarine attraction. We might actually attempt it at some point this week. Worst case: we board our sub after 3-6 hours of waiting (I'm an optimist), and Tyler decides it terrifies him and he needs to get off. (Ask Marc Canter: the dinosaur tunnel in the train ride was very touch and go.) From this early fan video though, it looks like he'll be able to hang with it. I hope. Have mercy.