
You're Absurd, What's A Zune??

I did not know current.tv had an embeddable video feature — smart! Thanks to Amber MacArthur for clueing me in. And for featuring this hilarious little Mac or PC vid:

How bad do I want an iPhone? Bad. Very very bad. For all the latest, follow the iPhone topic at ZDNet, where you'll be able to stay on top of things like the just announced rate plans.


Supernova, Supercool

Brian Solis: "Overall, Challenge Day was a tremendous success on all fronts." (Link added.)

I couldn't agree more. Kudos to Kevin Werbach for putting together such a wonderful event. My only gripes with the whole experience are just a testament to how good it was — namely:

  • I wanted all the sessions to last longer,

  • I wanted to attend all the sessions in all the tracks, and

  • I wanted to stick around for the next two days, which I couldn't unfortunately.

Supernova seems to really be coming into its own, and I'm looking forward to next year.

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'No Hands On The Track!'

Tyler and his great-grandma Mary engaged in a bit of table-top racing yesterday:


Jumpier Than A Jumping Monkey

I loved being on Megan Morrone's and Leo Laporte's new Jumping Monkeys show. Any podcast covering both technology and kids had me at "Hey, Mooommmmyyyy!" (Post title cribbed from SteveSongs, via Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child.)


Blessed Are The Insistent

Quote of the day: Rob Luke at LegalNewsline.com, on Washington state Attorney General Rob McKenna and his new blawg, All Consuming: "the blog (or 'blawg,' McKenna insists, due to its legal focus) will focus on consumer issues high on the AG's agenda." Hehe. Down with creeps; up with Rob.