Entries in future (2)


The Modern World

Flying Car

Flying Car
Originally uploaded by Abhishek Awasthi

Child: It would be fun to live in a house on the water, you could have a diving board where you could jump into the ocean.

Parent: Maybe someday when you're older you can live in one.

Child: But those houses won't be there then, it'll be the Modern World.

Parent: What will the Modern World be like?

Child: There will be hovercraft cars that don't run on gasoline, floating homes, houses with rockets coming out of them...

Parent: Anything else?

Child: Well, maybe the houses would stay the same, there'll just be new cars.

Parent: Hovercraft cars?

Child: And podracers. But they won't run on gasoline. They'll run on futuristicky stuff.

Parent: Looking forward to it.


Kindle DX + Contract Processing = Flying Cars

When I see the forthcoming Kindle DX (and its inevitable progeny), and consider existing contract automation and management tools like EchoSign and even more full-featured deal flow projects still in the pipeline, I see the future.