
Between Lawyers, Right Now

As Ernie ably announces, we're proud to introduce you to a new blog at Corante, Between Lawyers. This is a real treat for me on a number of fronts. I'm always happy to have the chance to riff with co-contributors Ernie, Tom, Marty, and Dennis, and I've wanted to do something with Hylton since Corante on Blogging and Microcontent News were part of my regular routine. (And hey, John Hiler's back! Feels like coming full circle.)

So please get over there, read our welcome message, subscribe to the feed, and kick the tires a bit. We'd love to hear how we can make this part of your regular routine. Thanks!


2005.03.28 Show Notes

Today's podcast discusses a lawyer's responsibilities with respect to technology and some related plawdcasts/blawgcasts, my Sound Policy show at IT Conversations, podriahs, personal productivity, and little boys.

2005.03.28 (MP3, 5.6MB); select a quote[quoteplay player]

Plawdcast Feed

Go on, subscribe!


Peepy Easter

Mar252005 is both a blog (by Kevin Heller and Evan Schaeffer) and a unified feed ("The power of, tags and feedburner's SmartCast technology allows us to create a a community podcasting network" ) for all things law+podcast. Nice!


Attorney-Attorney Privilege

Kevin O'Keefe: "Law firms have been asking that I help craft a corporate blogging policy for them." More from George Lenard. (via the Final Belly Up to the Bar? I hope not, but if so, thanks Kevin, I'm the Belly's biggest fan.)