
Today's New Aggregator

Well hey there, Newsilike, the Earth's Smallest Aggregator, what's shakin'? This is a promising looking beta project from John Palfrey, Jim Moore, and Nick Caramello. Here's a law node, and a wiki ("Ah yes, a play within a play within a play"), which sizes things up as follows: " is a social and publishing aggregator that is free. It is intended to be fast, friendly, and allow frequently-updated filtering in order to focus the news to news that you like. The five Fs."


Look, Listen

You've seen these already, but just in case not:


Today's New Blawg

The Video Game Law Blog covers, you guessed it, video game law. It's by a group of lawyers at Canadian firm Davis & Company.


New Again

Remember when everyone suddenly had email? Howard Rice issued an "Alert" yesterday about business weblogs: Corporate Blogging: Seize the Opportunity, but Control the Risks. [Update:] Overall I found the piece to be insightful and forward looking, but I think we can safely anticipate a flurry of this sort of thing, and along with it some agitation and alarm that may not be entirely proportional to the "problem."



The AP discovers blawgs and Matt Conigliaro, in
Schiavo case provokes a blogging storm
: "While attorney bloggers generally expect that the trial court decision's to remove her feeding tube will stand, a majority of blog commentators express outrage that society would allow a person to die when medical technology is available to sustain her life." Looks like Matt has been getting chatty with Court TV as well.

[Update:] It's been bugging me that I didn't overtly note the tragic and difficult context of the AP story when I made two minutes to link to it earlier today. As well as the important and good work Matt is doing in blogging and commenting on the situation. Sorry about that, quicker is not always better.