
More Podcasts Of Legal Note

My iPod has recently served up the following you might also enjoy:


The Long Tail Wears A Poncho

My mom is good enough to bring me up to speed from time to time on the latest from the world of those nefarious, file sharing knitters. Though she has no IP news for me at the moment, it seems there has been such a frenzy for the poncho Martha Stewart wore while leaving prison (a gift handmade by another inmate), it melted the servers (more from USA Today; and thus was "Yarndotting" born) of Lion Brand Yarns, which is offering a free "Coming Home" poncho pattern. Or if you'd prefer, there's the "Freedom Poncho" from Interweave Press, or the Bernat Martha Poncho Madness version (also available as a pack including yarn, pattern, and crochet hook).

Elsewhere, the Chief Blogging Officer is posting bits of Gonzo Marketing, re-mixed with multi-level annotations (i.e., past and present) and graphics. Gonzo Marketing saw the Long Tail wagging well before it started whacking people in the knees.

All of which simply means the next round is on me.


WLF Grokster Program Thursday

This should be fascinating. Thursday morning 3/24, 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. EST, the Washington Legal Foundation will Webcast a program in its "Media Briefings" series, titled "MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.: Can the Court Advance Innovation while Protecting Property Rights?" Discussing the issue will be:

I'd like very much to hear what all 3 of these gentlemen have to say about the issues the Supreme Court will take up on March 29.


Monday Miscellany

Congratulations JD and Marc, and welcome ourmedia! "The personal media revolution is turning multimedia."

Via Dave Winer: last month Amazon filed a patent application for "plogging." [Update:] Doug Sorocco notes in email that "the plogging patent app. was filed August 13, 2003" — interesting! — "and published February 17, 2005."

From Doug Sorocco: a screencast/scrawdcast that "walks you through the steps of keyword searching the US Patent and Trademark Office's online issued patent and pending application database."

The Federal Circuit Bar Association's 7th annual Bench and Bar Conference will be June 22-25 in Kiawah Island, South Carolina.

I won't be at the FCBA event (and will unfortunately probably have to miss LegalTech LA as well) , because if I can work out the scheduling, travel, and childcare logistics, I'll be excited to be speaking at Gnomedex. I see Chris just added Adam Curry as a keynote — cool! Registration for Gnomedex is here.

[Update:] The Engadget podcast lives!


Spring Ahead

It's often said that 40 is the new 30...but not so often acknowledged that it's also when all the parts warranties expire. I'm halfway through that milestone birthday and nothing's fallen off yet, so I'm quite pleased with the way it's going so far. Knock wood and all that.