
Sound Up

The first Sound Policy show, discussing Google's AutoLink, is now up at IT Conversations. Here's the series page.


High Profile

Professor Doug Linder brings you Famous Trials. (Thanks, Hanan!)

Though Grokster isn't on there (summary judgment), don't miss Kevin Heller's annotated version of the 9th Circuit decision now before the Supreme Court, or his second podcast.


I Clean Up, You Clean Up

My spring cleaning continues, and you know what that means: more of Denise's stuff on eBay!

  • 40+ VHS Tape Collection: Many old classics here (Fantasia, Breakfast at Tiffany's), and some cool box sets. Bid fast, this one closes today at 3:38 p.m. Pacific.

  • Bookcase/Cupboard: This is what all the VHS tapes were living in. The books decorating the front include Carl Sagan's Cosmos, I always liked that.

  • Vintage Electric Signal Fan: Very retro, very cool — and I mean that literally, at top speed this thing really cranks.

Thanks for helping us make room for more plastic...



Christopher Locke, aka Highbeam Research's Chief Blogging Officer:

Those aren't Chinese subs, you fools! They're potential customers. But if you create blogs that don't tell stories, aren't the least bit funny or irreverent, but only read like thinly disguised advertising copy, then those potential customers are going to treat you like Chinese subs — and send Tomahawk missiles straight up your RSS.

Note I didn't say that, he did, most eloquently. Cool too that portions of Gonzo Marketing will soon be serialized at CBO, it's an inspired read.


Mixed Media

If you're starting a new blawg or blog, why not do an honest to goodness press release about it, of the kind that gets picked up by Google News? That's what Stephen Holzer did to announce his new weblog on all things environmental law. Check out Chris Pirillo's interview with David McInnis, and David's site PRWeb, for details and advice on how to make that happen.

Weblogs are a welcome means of getting away from traditional PR vehicles like press releases, but 1) there's no reason a press release needs to be conventional or boring, 2) PRWeb makes them accessible, and 3) just as people still read dinosaur blogs, so do they still read press releases. (Well, for the time being, anyway. Just the opportunity to have Google News announce your site is worth the effort I would think.)

[Update:] Great tips in my comments from a pro, Jeneane Sessum:

[F]or weblogs, I'd try to make the release reflect who you are in your weblog. If your weblog — even business — is funny and sometimes sarcastic, like Phil Libin's of corestreet — I'd be that same individual when writing the release.

Some other ideas — mention some folks on your blogroll, or others in the online community your blog intersects with. Talk about "why a blog?" and make a prediction or two about where you see blogging headed in your industry.

If you're speaking or attending any conferences, I'd toss in the opportunity to talk in person at the upcoming xxx conference. I'd also tell them that readers are welcome to comment on the weblog (assuming you have comments, and you should).

Those are off the top-o-my head. I'll think some more about it.

(Links added.) Thanks J, the legal field (and most other parts of the business world) can use all the help it can get in this area.