
Today's New Blawg

Clay Conrad's Jurygeek: "All things jury welcomed here." Also check out his Killing off the Jury with Tort Reform.


2005.01.24 Show Notes

Today's podcast (MP3) discusses the sometimes uneasy relationship between bloggers and employers, as well as the corollary: how bloggers can improve the sometimes uneasy relationship between businesses and the world. I also check in on the continuing discussion concerning RSS and commercial or other unlicensed use, plug an event that hopes to turn lawyers into innovators, congratulate someone who's making the Technorati Top 100 safe for plawdcasters, and thank Doc (again).

Plawdcast Feed

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What Do You Do When You're A Wired GC?

A podcast, of course! A.k.a. an audiocast, Legal Sound Check: "Law plus music in less than 7 minutes." And then there were four. More audio goodness, can't wait! Also, don't miss The Wired GC on Robert Scoble, Enemy of Outside Counsel.


Batten Down The Laches*

MTV News: "Because [podcasting] is so new, a spokesperson for the Recording Industry Association of America had no comment on what the organization's official stance is on podcasters spinning copyrighted music..." [via Dave Winer]



Third Belly's The Charm

Belly Up to the Bar³ is up and super. Also from Kevin, California gets INDUCED??? Pass the pitocin, this could be a bumpy ride.

(How do you know you've become far too accustomed to encountering bizarre things online? When you spot this and don't doubt for a second people are naming their children after the labor inducing concoction.)