
When Do You Want It?  Now!

I don't know how I missed this earlier, but Mitch Ratcliffe has been writing The Now blog at Red Herring for some time now, and he's doing a bang-up job. I was nosing around Red Herring because I exchanged some emails with a writer there recently on the topic of "doocing." I'm not sure when the article will run but will keep an eye out for it and let you know.


Today's New Blawg

Michael H. Cohen writes CamLaw (for Complementary Alternative Medicine), and has what may just be the first and only post category devoted to Spa Law. Lots of other good news and info too.


FeedBurner: Creative Commons, Podcasts, Mobility, Oh My

I figured out (with the help of Eric and Joe at FeedBurner) why no Creative Commons license information was coming through in Bag and Baggage's feeds, and learned a bunch of other interesting stuff to boot:

  • Some of FeedBurner's settings apparently can cancel each other out. My Creative Commons information wasn't visible until I turned off the "Mobile Burner" and the "Content-Type Burner" (that last tweak was necessary because I'm using "SmartFeed").

  • FeedBurner's "SmartCast" lets you post podcast content in any feed.

  • FeedBurner has a Mobile Feed Reader that as of Jan. 9 supports the Sony Ericsson K700i (and a slew of other mobile devices). I just downloaded it, and you know what? A phone has not realized its full potential until it can read Engadget and BoingBoing.


I See London, I See France Hoarding?

I see ZDNet's interview recording! This is pretty neat: Media Credibility: Where podcasting meets transparency.


I See London, I See France Flogging?

I see J. Craig Willams, vlawging! "Law will never be the same," he says, and you'll certainly get no argument from me. Bring on the fulfillment of the Forbes wishlist.

[Update:] iPodder already supports video, as I learned recently when some of Dave Winer's Florida trip footage showed up in my iPodderData folder.